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  • Writer's pictureElla Ersal

What You Need to Know Before Moving to Spain from the UK

Moving to Spain from the UK is a very exciting and big step. You must be prepared to avoid having difficult times or encountering bad surprises in this adventure.


Excuse my French but with Brexit unfortunately, those days when we traveled freely from England to Europe are over. With the new rules, UK passport holders cannot stay in European countries for more than 90 days in 180 days, it is called the "90-day rule". If you are planning to come to Spain to settle, you will need to resolve the visa first. There are many visa types for Spain that may be suitable for you, but we will talk about these in another post.


The thing you need to be most careful about before moving to Spain is budgeting. You may have come to Spain on holiday 10 years ago and drank a pint of beer for just 1 Euro! However, changing conditions over the years, Covid and inflation have also affected Spain greatly. The budgeting you make with information that is more than 10 years old will be far from reality. At this point, you should do realistic budget work. You can check the cost of living expenses on Spanish websites or use websites that compare the cost of living from country to country.

The Language

You've been to Spain on holiday for years, and of course you know enough(!) Spanish to express yourself. But don't forget, when you start living in Spain you will need much more than "Una cerveza por favor!". I would also like to remember that the rate of speaking English rate is very low, except for big cities such as Barcelona and Madrid.

Health Insurance

The healthcare system in Spain is divided into free and private. Everyone who has the right to work and works in Spain registers with the public healthcare with a deduction from their salary and starts to benefit. If you want to avoid long waiting lines and have easy access to doctors who speak English, it is very easy to register in the private healthcare.

That's it! If you evaluate all these steps correctly and go through a good preparation process beforehand, moving to Spain is not that difficult and time-consuming. If you have questions , do not forget to send us your questions via this post. Good luck!

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